Is anyone else starting to feel the onset of Christmas Post Partum? I am.
There is always such a buildup to the Christmas Holiday. From before Thanksgiving Day is even here, the Christmas tree is up, or thoughts of pulling it out of the depths of storage are weighing on our minds. Personally, I strongly believe that Thanksgiving is a segue into the full-on Christmas festivities so I don our humble apartment in lights and decorations, including our small tree, a few days before Thanksgiving arrives. My husband thinks I am a little too preemptive but I just can't get over the cozy feeling that the holidays bring and I want to suck up every minute of it that I possibly can.
This year I just wasn't feeling the warm fuzzy feeling right away.
I think a big reason for this was our recent move to Florida. After spending the last 13 years in Colorado for Christmas, it simply feels unreal that there are places in the world where cold, ice, frost, fogging the window with your breath, driving cautiously in a blanket of white snow, losing the feeling in the tip of your nose from the bitter wind… these things, these feelings associated with a [my] lifetime of Christmases does not exist. So I went down every avenue to make it feel like it actually was december and Christmas(ey) whenever you stepped into our home. From a constant hum of christmas music in the background to even running the ac extra cold, lets just say every day I was on a bit of a mission.
In an extra effort to help feel the fun and joy of Christmas all around I lingered upon the idea of doing something for the 12 days of Christmas leading up to the big day. I googled "12 days of Christmas ideas" and found out I wasn't the first to have this thought either! Is anyone the first to think of anything these days?
So I started planning 12 days of Christmas for my husband, Michael. Many women had done this for their husbands and I took ideas from here and there but really wanted it to be special for him rather than generic. I found a great printout for each day of the 12 days to help him catch on to the reason for getting a gift each day. It actually took a lot more thought and planning than I had anticipated but by the end it was well worth it. The entire process also ended up costing me more than I had planned, just for those of you considering doing it as well, I just couldn't find a super cheap way, but again, it was worth it.
I did my best to take pictures when I remembered throughout the 12 days. I didn't get them all but here are a few and some of my favorites…
On the first day of Christmas.
A penguin mug complete with marshmallows for hot chocolate and KitKats.
On the second day of Christmas, Fun-derwear…
On the third day of Christmas, a belt hanger.
On the fourth day of Christmas, bright orange and black socks.
On the fifth day of Christmas… well that's between him and I..
The sixth day was by far my favorite, I put together a little scavenger hunt. Michael tends to fall asleep pretty early after a long work day, and once he is out.. he is OUT. So I was able to accomplish this and still be in bed before too late. He really wanted the new Call of Duty for his xbox, and the following morning was his day off. But I wasn't going to just give it to him.. that would be all to easy.
First I bought a couple movies I wanted..
Then added some weight so they all felt the same.
Next I placed the clues where they belonged.
Starting in the bathroom.
This clue led him back to the bedroom, I did this on purpose. I sensed he would wake up before me and if he started the hunt without me I would at least be awakened by him looking for the second clue. I was right, but unfortunately his bladder called at 6am and so did the hunt…
From the bathroom to the bedroom, to the fridge, then under the sink, outside on the door
Then out to the car, yes at 6am.
I thought for sure this clue would stump him for a minute but he went directly to it!
He is so smart. And this led him to the last clue, which took him to the dryer…
He opened the right one without even thinking twice… apparently xbox games cases are slightly slimmer than dvd's. How did he know that?
It was a fun time at least.
The seventh day had to do with a bell, but that is all I can disclose about that one.
On the eighth day of christmas,
over-doing the expression a bit… |
On the ninth day came a mustache pen.
On the tenth day of Christmas I surprised him and all his buddies at work with raspberry jam shortbread cookies.
Michael insisted on Christmas Eve that we let each other open one gift before going to bed. So I gave him his eleventh day of christmas gift, and he gave me mine. We are on the same wavelengths sometimes…
I gave him the winter oreos, and he gifted me the cool mint.. then we actually switched, and indulged.
I kind of coped out on the twelfth day by putting the tag on his stocking, but it was the most packed stocking I've ever seen. So I called it good.
I think he enjoyed each gift, and the thought that went into each one. And I won in the end anyway, for twelve days I got to experience a little bit of christmas and get him into the spirit as well.
It was a wonderful Christmas Day and Season. Our tree will remain up for a little bit longer as the seasons excitement continues to linger. But the post partum just has me that much more excited to start preparing for next year…